
BUNNY won Honorable Mention in the 2023 Freefall Magazine short story contest. THE WHALE won 2nd Prize in the 2022 Cutthroat Magazine’s Rick DeMarinis Short Story Contest. YOU MIGHT THINK WE’RE PRAYING was one of three finalists for Terrain.org’s 2021 Fiction Contest. Other published work includes a novella, MOCKINGBIRD (MP Press, 2013), the fictional travelogue chapbook WAY ELSEWHERE (Lettered Streets Press, 2016), and essays for Numéro Cinq and Psaltery & lyre magazines.

You might think we’re praying
You might think we’re praying

Terrain.org 2021 Fiction Contest Finalist. Read or listen here: https://www.terrain.org/2022/fiction/you-might-think-were-praying/

Ain’t no man
Ain’t no man

"I see men as trees, walking." Thank you to Psaltery & Lyre for publishing this essay in your beautiful magazine. And to Mrs. Queen, for sharing your story about walnuts.

Kitchen Garden Companion
Kitchen Garden Companion

One Bird Press is pleased to announce the upcoming release of LOGANITA FARMS’ KITCHEN GARDEN COMPANION. The official launch will be a conversation about the relationship between kitchens and gardens, and will feature award-winning Willows Inn Chef Blaine Wetzel...

Way Elsewhere
Way Elsewhere

The chapbook Way Elsewhere is a fictional travelogue: some pieces from the fictional blog I used to keep, Notes from Elsewhere, some new pieces, all beautifully edited and published by Ian Denning, Joshua Young, Abigail Zimmer of Lettered Streets Press....

No hand-wringing! Bees @ N5
No hand-wringing! Bees @ N5

"Julie  Trimingham has written about opera, nothingness, and filmmaking. Her tendency is to astonish with invention. This month it’s beekeeping. As in, she kept bees, became intimate with bees, had a difficult relationship with bees. It’s an eco-truism that the sad...

The Mermaid
The Mermaid

How it starts: Before you were a mermaid, you were a girl in baker’s whites. You’ve told me about arpeggiating in front of your first singing teacher, an Italian soprano who would clasp her left breast, squeeze it, and demand,  at the end of your run, Another one for...

Sing! O Bone
Sing! O Bone

"This month our new Special Correspondent Julie Trimingham offers a truly brilliant, sexy, eccentric essay on song, sex, holes, bodies, bones, sirens, Sappho, poetry, opera, and the Queen of the Night." –from Douglas Glover's introduction to the May issue of Numéro...


“A novel of quiet passion and rare beauty, Mockingbird is a testament to the power of pure, uncluttered language—a confluence of feelings and physicality that will draw you back, line after graceful, memorable, line.”  Gina Nahai, author of Caspian Rain and Moonlight...

a Bee I do become
a Bee I do become

Mad honey is that made from the nectar of rhododendron, oleandar, bog rosemary, spoonwood, or sheep laurel. It can produce euphoria.... An essay in Numéro Cinq magazine on bees & my attempt to keep...