To know is to love is to protect. Clearwater, a documentary feature film, aims to get audiences to know, love, and protect the Salish Sea. The Pickford Film Center in Bellingham will be screening excerpts from the work-in-progress on Sunday, December 6 at 5:30pm. All proceeds from ticket sales will go toward finishing the film. I have been brought on as a producer to the film, and am delighted to be part of this event. Producer/Director Tracy Rector of Longhouse Media , Emmy Award winning cinematographer Laura James, and Coast Salish traditional artist Joe Seymour will be present and discuss their work. Clearwater excerpts are now a part of video installation in the permanent collection at the Seattle Art Museum. Clearwater is supported by the Sundance Institute, the Tribecca Film Institute, and will be broadcast on PBS (and yes, it still needs funding). Tickets are $15 and available here.