On Being Blonde

On Being Blonde

A blonde teenage relation of mine has been able to pretty herself out of a number of moving and other violations; the officers, apparently, can’t bring themselves to ticket her. Of course hair color is not the sole mitigating circumstance; the girl was wearing a...

Liar. Cheater. Thief.

That’s what Mia, the protagonist of Mockingbird, is. Whether or not she’s justified in lying, cheating and stealing is up to you.  I’ve been fascinated to hear responses from readers: some see a rich white lady going down to a poor, brown country and...

Gracias y abrazos

For  beautifully hosted Mockingbird events & launches, thank you to the Miami Book Fair International, Books & Books, Mitchell Kaplan; Village Books in Fairhaven, Chuck & Dee Robinson; The People’s Co-op Bookstore in Vancouver; TYPE Books in Toronto;...