No hand-wringing! Bees @ N5

No hand-wringing! Bees @ N5

“Julie  Trimingham has written about opera, nothingness, and filmmaking. Her tendency is to astonish with invention. This month it’s beekeeping. As in, she kept bees, became intimate with bees, had a difficult relationship with bees. It’s an eco-truism that the...
The Mermaid

The Mermaid

How it starts: Before you were a mermaid, you were a girl in baker’s whites. You’ve told me about arpeggiating in front of your first singing teacher, an Italian soprano who would clasp her left breast, squeeze it, and demand,  at the end of your run, Another one for...
Sing! O Bone

Sing! O Bone

“This month our new Special Correspondent Julie Trimingham offers a truly brilliant, sexy, eccentric essay on song, sex, holes, bodies, bones, sirens, Sappho, poetry, opera, and the Queen of the Night.” –from Douglas Glover’s introduction to the May...


“A novel of quiet passion and rare beauty, Mockingbird is a testament to the power of pure, uncluttered language—a confluence of feelings and physicality that will draw you back, line after graceful, memorable, line.”  Gina Nahai, author of Caspian Rain and Moonlight...
a Bee I do become

a Bee I do become

Mad honey is that made from the nectar of rhododendron, oleandar, bog rosemary, spoonwood, or sheep laurel. It can produce euphoria…. An essay in Numéro Cinq magazine on bees & my attempt to keep...
Something from Nothing

Something from Nothing

Negative space, dark energy, missing matter, how to get something from nothing. My Skype interview & essay for Numéro Cinq with the fabulous physicist/cosmologist/public intellectual/movie actor Lawrence M. Krauss, PhD, has just been published. “If you...